

Page history last edited by Stefanie Kompathoum 5 years, 4 months ago

Kindred Spirits

Looking for Land's Sake of Weston, MA?  Click here: www.landssake.org

Welcome to Land's Sake

Western North Carolina Wilderness Retreat 

established 1997


NOTICE: Due to campers trespassing on others' property, and continued issues with access, this project is closed to the public indefinitely as of 10/17/15.  


News: We are happy to hear that the adjoining property is now under conservation easement with Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust, and are looking forward to being good neighbors. 


October Meditation 2015









Land's Sake began as a dream to create a spot in the mountains for renewal and ecological progress.  At its beginning, it was intended to be a resource for those interested in building sustainable communities and living in harmony with the environment.  Today, the dream is realized through offering the property for use free or at minimal cost to students, backcountry campers, artists and other nature enthusiasts.  

The project is a total of four miles from Western Carolina University in North Carolina.  The road gains 1000 feet in elevation in the last mile.  It is a challenging but enjoyable hike.  Land's Sake is five acres including a spring, primitive camping, and ridgetop area once used as a garden.  The property is "unimproved" - there are no facilities except a camping platform, latrine, and firepit.  It is surrounded by 200 currently undeveloped acres near the Nantahala National Forest. You can rent the property for longer projects, but day and weekend use are welcome too.  Work exchange, barter or conventional lease is accepted as rent.  You must provide your own liability insurance for group events. The property must be treated with respect and left better than you found it.




Land's Sake is on Facebook with links to many resources and ideas, from foraging blogs and science news to the latest garden experiments and local events.  Join us!



Stories and pictures from events and visits to Land's Sake

Foraging Files

Wild food and garden adventures from Land's Sake and beyond.


Nature writing, homesteading, sustainability, environmentalism.


Kindred Spirits

Looking for Land's Sake of Weston, MA?  Click here: www.landssake.org



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